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Sphero Robotic Ball Rolls into Gyrofish - Gyroblog: Gift Ideas OnlineGyroblog: Gift Ideas Online

Sphero Robotic Ball Rolls into Gyrofish

Posted on March 1st, by admin in blog. No Comments

What do you get when you cram a gyroscope, accelerometer, Bluetooth and a compass into a sophisticated, programmable, self propelled ball? The answer is Sphero and a whole lot of fun! Sphero is the world’s first robotic ball that is remote controlled via your iPhone, iPad or Android device.

We get to play with lots of innovative and funky new gadgets at Gyro HQ but this one is a staff favourite. Kids, adults, pets and gadget geeks will all be fascinated by Sphero and it’s versatility. With over 20 games and apps already available for Sphero, you’ll never never get bored trying to find new and exciting ways to use it. The ball is charged via an innovative inductive charging system which means you don’t need to plug it in, you just rest the ball on it’s charging pod. Sphero is housed in a polycarbonite shell that is so durable, you can even stand on it! It’s also completely water proof so you can ‘drive’ it in a pool aswell.

Every day people are finding new unique ways to have fun with Sphero and the prank possibilities are endless.

Even US President Barack Obama thought it was cool!

Want to get the ball rolling? Check it out here

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