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Helllllloooooooo Kitty - Gyroblog: Gift Ideas OnlineGyroblog: Gift Ideas Online

Helllllloooooooo Kitty

Posted on May 31st, by admin in blog. No Comments

Sanrio and fashion design brand, Nooka Inc. have banded together to create a special Hello Kitty timepiece. This limited edition watch features Nooka’s patented Zirc display with a silk screen printed Hello Kitty graphic on a white polyurethane band.

The collaborative watch is available for order here!

From Nooka founder and chief creative officer Matthew Waldman: “Hello Kitty® embodies the same ethos as Nooka: universal communication – no explanations are required to understand the icon of Hello Kitty’s face – it is a distillation to the minimum amount of information necessary to convey the message of ‘cute.’”

Source: Nooka

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