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Luminara Candles are 'un'real - Gyroblog: Gift Ideas OnlineGyroblog: Gift Ideas Online

Luminara Candles are ‘un’real

Posted on February 4th, by admin in blog. No Comments

Luminara candles offer the beauty and elegance of a traditional burning candle, minus the safety concerns.

There’s no denying the ambience that only a real candle can provide…….until now that is.

The patented ‘Artificial Flame Technology’ was developed by Disney’s ‘imagineers’ and used in the Haunted Mansion attractions at Disney’s theme parks. This same technology now brings some of this Disney magic into your home.

What makes Luminara so unique is that the Luminara ‘flame’ moves in a completely random fashion just like a real candle. The effect, which is created by two magnets repelling against each other, results in a natural glow and flicker that (to the untrained eye) is indistinguishable from a real candle.

Forget other flameless candles, these are superior in every way. In fact when we were testing the product, we were dining with a friend who certainly didn’t realise they weren’t real until we pointed it out!

If you love the ambience of candles as much as we do, you will likely have encountered some of the shortcomings of traditional candles, such as safety, lifespan and mess. Luminara candles provide a safe, cost-effective decorative lighting solution that can be used almost anywhere, lasting years longer than a traditional burning wax candle.

No more wax dripping on your coffee table.

Available from Gyrofish


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